Friday, December 29, 2006

Sufi Christmas : Excerpt

On Christmas Eve, the Nimatullahi Sufis of Boston united to celebrate the life, teaching and spirit of Jesus. Like any family, they gathered around a warm meal, spreading smiles and gratitude, thanks and blessings, sharing silence in the spirit of Jesus. Here is a portion from Jesus in the eyes of the Sufis, read on Christmas Eve at the Boston Nimatullahi Sufi House:

Attar relates:

A dog lay dead by the wayside,
Jaws open, on the earth outstretched.
A foul odor filled the air.
As Jesus passed by, he cried,
"How reverend this creature is!
What beauty in the whiteness of his teeth!"
Blind to odor, to ugliness,
He viewed only beauty.

If you're a seer of reality,
A true bondsman of Divinity,
Profess pureheartedness;
Look on all as one
Hue, color and sum.
Practice goodness and charity,
Kindness and fidelity;
God's gifts with gratitude
Repay like a devotee.
If you've any gnosis of Him,
Be indentured in God's service.
Reveiving His gifts always
With gratitude.

Year in and year out
You thrive on His bounty,
Yet neglect to acknowledge
His graces with your gratitude.

~Jesus in the eyes of the Sufis is available at

Happy Holidays!


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