Monday, February 19, 2007

Serving Others

Abu Sa'id Abi'l-Khayr anecdote:

One day in addressing the assembly of Sufis in his khanaqah in the city of Nashipur, the master said, “The length and breadth of the khanaqah is strewn with gems. Why don’t you pick any up?” Everyone looked around to see if the floor was covered with jewels. Not seeing any precious stones lying around they turned back to the master with puzzled looks.
“O Master,” they cried, “where are these gems which we do not see?”
“Service!”, cried the master, “Service!”

~Selected from Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh's discourse "Serving Others" [Sufi Journal 43]


At 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya Haqq, Dear Brother:

An excellent lesson :) One I write about on Darvish in a post called Intention:

Ya Haqq!

At 1:41 AM, Anonymous Joseph said...

"Those with senses alert to Him know near He is.
The universe is a fountain overflowing with the meanings
Of His Names, with diverse, prolific harmonies
Of God and man, continually played and resonant." say Fethullah Gulen known as modern sufi in Turkey. I was amazed when I read an article on Fethullah Gulen and Sufism and another one Gulen`s interpretation of Sufism. Here says "Realizing this, the human mind is wed to the human heart
And nightly finds a different path to take its way to God.
The spirit that thus leaps over the hurdles of matter,
To enter upon this realm, finds the true identity
At last of man, conjoined fulfillment of self and soul." and this completes the picture.


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