Saturday, December 30, 2006

First Lesson of Sufism

"The first lesson of Sufism is to love God's creatures and respect their views. Therefore, a Sufi should, in principle, refrain from interfering in others' affairs or condemning their way of thinking. Anyone who condemns other people's religious convictions or manner of worship--which are ways of attracting God's favor and moving closer to Him--not only is not a Sufi, but is, in fact, an enemy of the Sufis, for objecting to others' religious views in any way is a form of arrogance and self-centeredness, constituting the greatest offense in Sufism.

Together, we must free Sufism from dogmatism and pretension and work on protecting the basis of Sufi spirituality from hypocrisy. We should be especially mindful of the fact that Sufism is the school of humanity. Without emphasis on inward spirituality and purity, once cannot, properly speaking, develop into a true human being, truly love all humanity, or serve others with heart and soul without any thought of reward."

~Selection from "Who is a Sufi?" in Discourses by Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh


At 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah! The first lesson of Sufism is also the last lesson, and the most difficult one to learn and put into practice :)

Ya Haqq!

At 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there, on the saturday dec 30, 2006 psoting, there is a spelling mistake, Third paragraph starting with the words "Without emphasis....once cannot.... I think instead of once it should be "one"

At 10:17 PM, Blogger Choni said...

In Infinite Oneness there's room for all people's views. So why not love?

At 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

shirky lesson : )


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